Sarah's Thoughts
Toronto Perspectives from Sarah Climenhaga Podcast
Episode 10: Saving Residents from Red Tape

Episode 10: Saving Residents from Red Tape

Ideas on speeding up the building repair process, tackling food waste and more to make Toronto better

My guest on this episode is Phillip Mark D'Cruze, one of the names alongside mine that will be on the mayoral ballot. Phillip came to Canada from India as a young child, had a career in the Canadian Armed Forces and turned to politics after disappointment with the state of Toronto infrastructure. He speaks to us about overpriced housing, the dismal state of repair for too many tenants, and the potential he sees if we addressed the tremendous waste of food in this city. Listen as he shares his sense of humour, his enthusiasm for positive change and his desire to share ideas with not just me but all mayoral candidates.

Sarah's Thoughts
Toronto Perspectives from Sarah Climenhaga Podcast
My perspectives on Toronto, to help you make an informed decision on voting day.