Sarah's Thoughts
Toronto Perspectives from Sarah Climenhaga Podcast
Culture that happens organically

Culture that happens organically

Keeping Toronto vibrant by increasing opportunities for artists

This episode’s guest Matt Crookshank describes himself as a guerilla ontologist, digital wizard and urban shaman. I know him through his work as a multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses painting, drawing, video art, and Emmy nominated digital animation and digital effects. His no holds barred, gonzo approach to both paint and digital abstraction earned his work the evocative and fittingly artistic description of ‘Birthday cakes attacked with jackhammers.’ We hear his unique take on the arts as he ponders how best to support Toronto’s creative community. I love his suggestion of how to deal with the siren song of home on Friday night. Instead of giving into the temptation to sit back in front of the screen, let’s ask ourselves why are we living in Toronto? If it’s because of all this city has to offer, then let’s get off the couch and see what’s out there!

Follow Matt @thecrookshankcurrent on Instagram and see his work at The Drey Gallery.

Sarah's Thoughts
Toronto Perspectives from Sarah Climenhaga Podcast
My perspectives on Toronto, to help you make an informed decision on voting day.