> I don’t want to give others the freedom to have the polar opposite opinion of me - there’s still part of me that is desperate to change their opinion.

Nor should you want to give others "that freedom". Remember what we're talking about here, it's not opinions about flavours of ice cream or musc or other aesthetic preferences, it's "freedom to hurt/kill/enslave others". You should be desperate to try to change these evil opinions, for your own protection / survival if nothing more.

> but I didn’t want to give the freedom to those actors to say the words “we want freedom”

It wasn't their words or even their ideas that offended you - it was the very real guns they essentially yielded, during those lockdowns and all the other nonconsensual aggression they support.

> I want freedom from judgement of my past actions

You're ignoring the other side of that coin - judgement for your past achievements and virtues :p. Can't have one without the other.

> I have lost my temper, been unkind, and excluded people in the past,

These aren't "mistakse"? Being more specific would help - were you angry / unkind / exclusionary with good honorable people? Or were you just antagonistic with people who literally wanted to (supported) (physically) hurting you?

> I never want people to judge me according to those mistakes

If mistakes were made then they should probably be regarded as war badges, like all those little pins that military generals wear, of obstacles you overcame and conquered and became better thereby - still not things you want to get erased. They demonstrate your experience in battle, with adversity, etc. Useful and good information to have *and judge* :p.

> I want them to see me as a whole, multidimensional human.

Let's take the example of a violent-lockdown-supporting thug, who also donates 90% of his money to charity every month. What does it mean to look at such a person "holistically / multidimensionally"? He's/She's evil and needs to be stopped - his/her charity is nice, of course, but nothing can trump/justify their evil-aggression - that takes precedence in any moral calculus? I suppose their other charitable acts can be taken into consideration in the sentencing phase of their trials. But there's not much wiggle room for leniency after such crimes - ie. they were willing (or did) kill people. (Every law is backed by the threat to kill, if disobeyed/resisted enough.)

> I just lock them in the category of enemies and that’s that

Nah, THEY are putting THEMSELVES in this category. Again, remember, they want(ed) to literally kill you, if you "opposed lockdowns" (aka. chose to continue peacefully working, or visiting family ... or if you didn't pay for their doctors/healthcare, etc).

> I lumped them all into the same assumption-filled basket.

Apparently these are safe assumptions. Molyneux also came from the theater/acting world (national theater school somewhere here in canada), and he says that he was highly esteemed there at first until they found out about his (anti-commie) politics, after which he was shunned and basically kicked out.

> see how my grasping for something I can’t have - control over what other people say, think

Nah, you don't really care that much about what people SAY or THINK - words and thoughts don't really hurt you ...

> and do

... ^ this is the real concern. I wouldn't mind commies and lockdown-statists if they just yapped all day. The problem is they have real guns pointed at me/us, and they DO use them. People have been rounded up like slaves/animals over these lockdowns. I remember one story of a priest? It's delicious irony that this play they were performing was bashing the totalitarianism of christianity, when the recent reality was the exact opposite - totalitarian commies persecuting christians.

> I see how my assumptions weigh me down and keep me imprisoned in the past

It's not the assumptions that are weighing you down :p - it's the very real evilness/danger from these people (statistically speaking). And the issue is not in the past, it's in the present - they STILL want to hurt/enslave you. You wouldn't be having these reactions if they were 80yo cripples in Ancapistan - if they held the same evil beliefs about slavery, and even put on theater plays to promote it.

> and as I released other people from the need to think like me,

Don't do that :P ... make sure everyone thinks like you - about not hurting other innocent people! Do not "tolerate" their aggression! Tolerance of intolerance yada yada.

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