So thoughtful and deep but at the same time simply put and to the point: being open to all is what will move us to a new normal that can be kind and connecting and not disconnecting/alienating/isolating for everyone. Thanks for sharing about yourself personally in a way that becomes political but without taking sides!
I couldn't agree more. Thank you for articulating what so many of us are feeling. Imagine a world where it's OK to have a variety of thoughts and opinions that don't fit neatly into one box, and are open to other people's ideas at all times too! Wouldn't that be a wonderful world.
YAAS!! So brilliantly articulated and well written, and totally resonant! Thank you for sharing this whole journey!
Yes!! This resonates so deeply.
So thoughtful and deep but at the same time simply put and to the point: being open to all is what will move us to a new normal that can be kind and connecting and not disconnecting/alienating/isolating for everyone. Thanks for sharing about yourself personally in a way that becomes political but without taking sides!
I couldn't agree more. Thank you for articulating what so many of us are feeling. Imagine a world where it's OK to have a variety of thoughts and opinions that don't fit neatly into one box, and are open to other people's ideas at all times too! Wouldn't that be a wonderful world.