Love the provocation here @Sarah! Thank you also for the mention of my work. <3

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"Creating busy work" is an effect of rigged central planning (mismanaging) where the fake fantasy of ever-increasing incomes is propped up with those fake jobs. In a peaceful (moral, free) market, prices of products would steadily decrease as efficiency increased. (Also because there would be a fixed supply of the money, "sound money".) People would work less, and more meaningfully - precious scarce money wouldn't be wasted on that fakery, which is propped up by violence/evil (people are violently forced to use that constantly-devaluing money.)

"Wealth inequality" is not a problem.

"To serve life, not imaginary profit" ... the ideal of profit was supposed to be a measure of how well we have served life.

"The economic machine" ... it's not some external thing imposed on us, it is us, we are that "machine"/system. Is anyone really that shocked when they see how nasty it can be - don't we all know people exactly like that around us?

"I'll publish an AI generated post on the same topic" ... it's trivial to detect, imho. All AI stuff (text, images, etc) has this "deadness" "soullessness". Although it does sound exactly like politicians/bureaucrats/"npc"'s - but that's because they're dead and soulless too.

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